I am Nathan, a bored 20yo British web tech student. I typically go by the gamertag NJR B312 (the B312 coming from Noble Six's unique identifier in Halo Reach).
Other than making bad websites, I find myself playing a variety of videogames (largely shooters, although you've probably gathered that I like my simulators).
I'll give my 4 main games their own page, but I also find time for other hobbies like audio and video editing (using Audacity and KDE products respectively).
Besides whatever this is, I have made a few things over the past year. I have created numerous music mods for PAYDAY 2 (both menu music and in-game). I have a
smattering of videos on YouTube (with some still being worked on at the time of writing), and I also wrote a Steam Guide for PAYDAY 2 which people seemed to like.
My music taste isn't anything to write home about. I just listen to what I like the sound of, although the PAYDAY series' discography is prominent in my playlist,
as is the late, great E-dubble's. There's also radio ballads from my childhood in there, but I'm not sharing my playlist to preserve my dignity.